signal processing read list (740) for supercollider afaik the most known is “the supercollider book”. Then there's good books about sound design for csound or pure data: “the audio programming book” by richard boulanger “designing sound” by andy farnell “the electronic music tutorial” by curtis roads The supercollider mailing list is also reasonably active. I don't know much about books targeting video games although I've seen some (053) In no particular order, here are my recommendations: - A Digital Signal Processing Primer by Ken Stieglitz - Everything written by Julius O Smith III (should all be available on his website - last I checked he had 4 excellent books and dozens of articles on there for free) - Digital Filters for Everyone by Rusty Allred - Game Audio Programming by Guy Somberg (also probably the 2nd volume although I haven't read it yet) - Audio Effects: Theory, Application and Implementation by Joshua D. Reiss - Real Sound Synthesis for Interactive Applications by Perry Cook - Microsounds by Curtis Roads - Head-Related Transfer Function and Virtual Auditory Display by Bosun Xie (careful with this one, it's quite dense and dry) - A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing: The Sparse Way by Stephane Mallet - The Scientist & Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing by Steven W. Smith My bias for game audio is pretty obvious, but there are still some cool things to pick up even from the games-specific stuff. Some of these books also overlap with one another, so you may not need to read them all cover to cover. You should also probably check out the math surrounding AM/FM/CM synthesis, Ambisonics, Feedback Delay Networks, and Digital Waveguides. I also have more specific recommendations for programming libraries and tools if you plan to work in C++. Also don't be scared by the breadth of topics here. There's a lot of challenge but also a lot to explore and a lot to love. If something is too challenging for you at whatever level you're at, try a different book or topic (even if it's completely unrelated) and come back to it later. I've done that a lot while reading through the above (398) For C++ libraries look into portaudio, midifile (, and JUCE